Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hero of the Day™

Who: Dog Davis.
Why: Because he wrote this article, in which he has the following to say about new Diet Coke Plus-

"There are now six types of Diet Coke; seven if you include Coca-Cola Zero. The latest is Diet Coke Plus. Plus what? Vitamins and minerals, of course. Each 12-ounce can contains small amounts of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as niacin, magnesium and zinc. It has a funky aftertaste, but that's not really the point. How messed up are you if you're drinking a caffeinated, artificially sweetened, flavored soda for its nutritional value? 'Man, this tastes funny, but at least I'm getting 15% of my daily allowance of zinc!' You want vitamins and minerals in your drink? Go to Jamba Juice."


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hero of the Day™

Everyone needs a hero, right? I have often had a "Hero of the Day": someone who just makes my day a little brighter in some way. It could be someone I actually know, someone in the news, a group, a fictional character...whoever! So it occurs to me that this could be an amusing thing to blog. I am inspired (appropriately enough) by my very first Hero of the Day™.

Who: Steven Van Dahm
Why: Steve is a friend of my husband's. He runs a great forum for their group of college friends, on which they discuss ... well, mostly video games, but internet weirdness, current events, music, any and all manner of subjects. Anyway, a recent topic of discussion revolved around the fact that Steve looks a bit (I largely disagree) like Ethan Suplee. Now, my favorite Ethan Suplee moment is when he gets totally pwned by the kids in Mallrats, and so my addition to the discussion was about how I'd love to hear Steve deliver that particular line.

Well, he obliged. And that makes him the very first officially blogged Hero of the Day™.