Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happiness is...

This is a meme. Do it yourself, if you'd like. I was tagged by RTM over at FlixChatter, and I'm going to do it here in order to keep the more personal blogging separate from the movie blogging. Ten things that make me happy. Here we go...

1. My husband. He makes me happy, even when he doesn't. He's my best friend, and I would rather hang out with him than anyone else. Good thing, since he's pretty much the only person I have to hang out with.

2. My cats. We call 'em monkeys. They're hard work sometimes, and they're often obnoxious, but they're also big and fuzzy, endlessly amusing, and surprisingly loving.

3. Helping out friends. It just puts a big old smile on my face.

4. Randomly hearing a song I love on the radio. Sometimes, that can just make your whole day.

5. Mail. I love getting mail, if it's actually FOR ME, as opposed to a bill or a junk mailing. I even get excited about magazines that come every month, and those little red envelopes from Netflix.

6. Food. I could narrow it down, but why bother?

7. Hearing good things about people I like/care about. Yes, that includes celebrities.

8. Tea. I drink it hot every morning. I like various kinds, mostly black, and I am not a snob about tea bags. Yes, I drink it even in the summer, but it's best when it's fall/winter, I have nowhere to be, and I can linger over a crossword puzzle whilst sipping.

10. Exercise. Yeah, I know, I'm a weirdo. I promise I still have days where I am too lazy to do anything, but more often than not, I love a good work-out. If I haven't worked out in a while, I don't even have to do anything fancy...30 minutes on an elliptical machine will have me grinning from ear to ear.

(I'll tell you a secret: unfortunately, that was more difficult than I would have guessed.)