Friday, December 31, 2010

Cannonball Read III

So! Despite the fact that they watch too much television, don't like Russell Crowe, and think skinny, nerdy guys like David Tennant are sexy (they also loooove RDJ and Fillion, in their defense),I spend a lot of time over at Pajiba. It's a fun site, and keeps me largely up-to-date on movie goings-on. Anyway.

In honor and memory of a former Pajiban, the site hosts an annual Cannonball Read. Basically, people "sign up" to read books (I think we're shooting for 52?) and write reviews of them. And then the site donates money to AlabamaPink's son's college fund. Sounds kinda cool, right? I thought so ... I thought, "Hey. I read a lot of books. I'm always (lazily) trying to find things to practice writing about. And this is for a good cause!" So, I'm signed on. Seeing as there is a new, small person in my life, I'm not entirely sure I can get through 52 books this year, but it's possible. I checked out three from the library yesterday.

So, stay tuned for book reviews! Who knows, maybe you'll see something interesting. :) You know, for those 2 people who still check this site sometimes.