Thursday, August 11, 2016

An update: Ugh

Well, it's Thursday, and I mostly feel like I've not accomplished much this week. Just regular life stuff getting in the way and throwing me off my routine. As such, not a lot of progress to report.

I've not been able to devote real time to tutorials this week, although I did a SQL one, kind of as a refresher, and I loved it. Something that I've been trying to determine is what particularly I enjoy (in terms of skills learned at Prime) and I have to own up to digging database stuff. I resisted admitting that, I guess because librarians, data, how boring. But well, writing SQL queries is super-fun. OMG nerd.

Kind of finished up the library app ... it was actually a bit anticlimactic, although I had an experience that I suspect is something developers encounter often. I spent a fair amount of time working on a filter that would list items checked out by a specific user. Got it working, albeit not quite how I wanted, but then realized it was actually not that great a feature. It had seemed like a good idea, but when I actually had it there to look at, it didn't add any value. It didn't allow me to do something necessary; it was just there to be there. So that was interesting. I took it off. Less is more.

Overall, I'm feeling really discouraged. Everyone has been very positive and helpful and sympathetic re: job search woes, but man, it's the worst. Mostly I'm going to try and finish the week strong, set aside some time to get through the last recommended PHP tutorial tomorrow and then make a fresh start next week. While I was at Prime, I noticed a definite pattern of ups and downs, and I've found that life afterwards hasn't been much different.

Github commits: I missed Sunday. I didn't have something particular to work on, and I was truly feeling the need to not spend time thinking about code. But I've been consistent otherwise; definitely think it's a habit I'm comfortable with at this point. Apparently this sprint ends Tuesday and another starts up? Count me in...

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