Monday, February 23, 2009

An open letter

To teenaged girls (yes, I know, there are none reading this blog) everywhere:

See this?

That's Dev Patel. He was in that movie, Slumdog Millionaire. No, not the one about emo vampires ... the one that won 8 Oscars last night. Yeah. Anyway. Look at him! He is young, and adorable, and British, but with a nice exotic twist. He looks clean and alert and seems to be unfailingly polite. So cute! So charming! I really fail to understand why you are not all screaming and swooning over him instead of

Robert Pattinson, who says really weird things in interviews, seems to have an aversion to even the most rudimentary of hair styling tools or products, and really just looks stoned most of the time.

Can we work on that? Seriously, I think you'll thank me as time goes by and you get a little older. Kthxbye!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    No accounting for taste, eh?
