Thursday, September 05, 2013


Obviously, I've never managed to settle into a real blogging habit. It's not even a question of being too busy...I'm just lazy, and perhaps a bit too mentally unorganized? I'm always poking around for blogs to read, though, and I never quite find what I'm looking for. I have the sneaking suspicion it's because I'd like to read the blog that my Awesome Blogging Self would write, if I could channel said ABS. Maybe, just maybe, I can try to organize my thoughts enough to write about things I like writing/reading about. Perhaps a list would help?


 Oftentimes I don't think of myself as having a particularly fit lifestyle, although if/when my husband reads this, he will snort, roll his eyes, and give me a stern talking to. Here's what my ideal week would look like, fitness-wise:
 Monday: Rest day, 20 min. yoga.
Tuesday: Morning run (2-3 mi), evening yoga class (1 hr).
Wednesday: Morning run (intervals), 20 min. yoga.
Thursday: Morning run, evening yoga class.
 Friday: Morning run (with bonus strength training), 20 min. yoga.
Saturday: Rest day, maybe 20 min. yoga?
Sunday: Long run (6+ miles, depending on training, etc.)

So far I have yet to come anywhere near achieving this goal schedule. I'm holding pretty steadily at four runs a week, and I usually manage to make one yoga class, but it's just hard to fit everything into the schedule. The 20 minute yoga thing is something I really struggle with, because usually after dinner I just want to sit like a lump until it's time to go to bed. Throw in the usual "I have a life" randomness (this week, I've got some kind of eye issue which means I've been wearing glasses every day, which makes working out difficult), and I guess what I'm left with is the feeling that I'm not as much of a crazed worker-outer as I'd like to be. I just read a blog post about "Never Enough," and boy, did that hit home. Instead of "Hey, I've gone out and managed two runs, one of them intervals, while wearing glasses!," I'm busy thinking "Ugh. I should've gotten up and run this morning instead of sleeping in a little, hoping it would help my eye heal more quickly." Even my best intentions sound like excuses to me. SO, work on positivity, scheduling, motivation, eh?


 I love food. We are very big on cooking and having family mealtimes in our house, and as my husband said the other night, "We eat pretty well around here." We usually even manage to have leftovers for lunch the next day, although sometimes I think you just need a PBJ. We plan our meals for the week, usually on Sundays, and then grocery shop according to what we've planned. Let me see if I can remember this week's menu.

Monday: Crock Pot Italian Sloppy Joes w/kale chips (pretty good, and decent leftovers).
 Tuesday: Zucchini Enchiladas (I added refried beans, and these were TASTY. Next time we are doubling for more leftovers).

Both Monday and Tuesday's recipes were from a recently-discovered website: I think it's a keeper.

 Wednesday: Pressed Waffle Paninis. An oldie but goodie from Vegetarian Times, although they never hold together very well. Also not great for leftovers.
Thursday: Tonight we're having a Vegetable Fried Rice. I love stir-frys or fried rice recipes, they're so full of yummy stuff.
 Friday: We're actually going to have dinner at the in-laws, but we had planned for some sauteed shrimp with angel hair and zucchini. We'll probably make it Saturday.

 I try to alternate vegetarian and meat-eater recipes, just for the variety. This week I have been challenging myself to avoid "added" sugar, so none in my tea, and nothing specifically sugary to eat. So far so good, actually. The Coke Zero I had with my lunch (PBJ and Coke is one of the best lunches ever) feels like cheating, but hey! It's not actually sugar. Mmmm, delicious chemicals.


Life is...well, complicated, to be honest. I suppose that's true of everyone. There are a lot of things that need to change, but overall I guess I can't complain too much. The past couple of years have felt like biding our time, in some ways. I try to remember to live in the now and not think of anything I'm doing as being preparatory or contingent on how I want things to be, but sometimes you're just in limbo, whether you like it or not.

Ugh. This is exhausting. Perhaps in future, if I can get myself to write, I'll just pick one topic. But I wanted to think about particular things that are important to me about my day-to-day routine. Exactly what the world needs: another food and fitness blog. Good stuff.

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